Reportedly, spinoff films about both Han Solo and Boba Fett are in the works. I saw some fans posting on facebook about how Disney should leave these sacred characters alone. It seems that complaining about new Star Wars content is the order of the day amongst many diehards.
I think it's funny how several people who consider themselves hardcore Star Wars fans are also the folks that talk smack about every single new thing that comes out. I can certainly understand reactions to some of the egregious special edition changes. I'm totally with you. But it seems some are never happy, no matter what is presented to them. Are you guys really even fans? Because it sounds like you hate Star Wars. It might be time to put your money where your mouth is, toss all your Star Wars memorabilia in the trash, and move on with your life. We should be happy about the things that are happening! For fuck sake, we're getting new Star Wars content! Lucas wasn't going to make any more films before the Disney deal happened!
And I know, I know...Disney is retconning the Expanded Universe. Here's a tissue. Shhh...look at me. Let's be honest with ourselves. The Expanded Universe was an addled, plot hole peppered, disorganized, jumbled mess. It was comprised of ideas from countless authors, video game developers, et cetera, without a clear plan to keep everything cohesive as a whole. Personally, I was always disinterested in the New Jedi Order content. It seemed too scattershot; too all-over-the-place. The Yuuzhan Vong? I realize they were aliens from a different galaxy, but they never clicked with me as being truly Star Wars.
And I know, I know...Disney is retconning the Expanded Universe. Here's a tissue. Shhh...look at me. Let's be honest with ourselves. The Expanded Universe was an addled, plot hole peppered, disorganized, jumbled mess. It was comprised of ideas from countless authors, video game developers, et cetera, without a clear plan to keep everything cohesive as a whole. Personally, I was always disinterested in the New Jedi Order content. It seemed too scattershot; too all-over-the-place. The Yuuzhan Vong? I realize they were aliens from a different galaxy, but they never clicked with me as being truly Star Wars.
Now that the story is being organized and molded into a cohesive timeline by the "Lucasfilm Story Group", I think we're really going to see a much more interesting backstory, as well as future plot lines beyond Return of the Jedi. Besides...what were they supposed to do? Simply transpose everything that happens with the EU New Jedi Order into the third trilogy of films? That would be a yawn-fest. Every fan would already know what happens as soon as the tile crawl pops up. So I think veering off the beaten path is the best thing they could've done. Let's make things fresh again. Let's toss that tired old confusing Expanded Universe in the filing cabinet. Time to move on with something that ties everything (films, tv, comics, video games, novels, etc) into a more consistent continuity.
That's not to say I don't have my reservations about the new direction with the Star Wars universe. Of course there's always that lingering, "what if?" in the back of my mind. But considering what Disney has already done with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have faith that they'll handle this franchise in the right way. To be completely honest, there's too much money riding on it. They know the rabid nature of Star Wars fans. I think the Disney decision-makers will allow the artists free creative reign to make something great. I decide to be an optimist.
A word about the prequel trilogy. Look, I'll agree with the old-school fans that, by and large, the prequels are crap compared to the originals. Episode III was better than both Episodes I and II, but not by much. In fact, Wyatt, Scurvy D, and myself watched the saga in the "machete order" back in August. I highly recommended this viewing order. For one thing, it cuts out Episode I (need I say more?) Secondly, it fits everything together in a way that really brings context to the saga as it currently stands. After you find out that (spoiler alert heh heh) Darth Vader is Luke's father in Episode V, you then proceed to Episode II and III, seeing exactly how Anakin fell to the dark side. While it brings a more interesting story frame-of-reference, watching it in this order also really raises insights into how badly written the scripts for the prequels were, as well as their poor execution. You can find our podcast about the machete order below:
I hope you enjoyed our thoughts! To bring it full circle, as long as the Lucasfilm Story Group stays on the top of their game and there's open collaboration with the script writers and creative teams for each film, I think having spinoff movies dealing with Han Solo and Boba Fett (or even Yoda) could be a good thing. As long as the content is left in the hands of awesome creative professionals where quality control is taken into account, I can see potential.
In my opinion, I know who needs to audition for the part of a younger Han Solo. I've been subscribed to Anthony Ingruber's Youtube channel for years now. Here's an older video of him doing a Han Solo impersonation:
I'm hoping this guy tries out for the role. He looks the part and I feel he gets the line delivery down spot on. Of course, there's a big difference between impersonating existing film footage and delivering original lines of dialogue. But he's already slated to portray a young Harrison Ford in the 2015 movie The Age of Adaline. That might just get his foot in the door.
I'm sure I could babble on for ages about Star Wars. Even the new Episode VII crossguard lightsaber, which has sparked all kinds of memes across the internet. I think they're pretty damn funny. I could definitely see how the saber could benefit from a more practical design. However, there's so much yet to be seen. I'd like to think the design was purposeful. There's no telling until we see Episode VII.
To wrap it all up, Disney's ongoing plot points have been supposedly planned from the get-go. And as long as that holds true, 2015 and beyond stands to be an incredible time for the resurgence of the franchise. In that spirit, I'm choosing to forget all about midi-chlorians and instead, I'm relying on a little faith in the Force.
P.S. - They better not mention fucking midi-chlorians ever again. Please just forget about them, guys. The Force is a mysterious thing that doesn't need explaining. Thanks.
I hope you enjoyed our thoughts! To bring it full circle, as long as the Lucasfilm Story Group stays on the top of their game and there's open collaboration with the script writers and creative teams for each film, I think having spinoff movies dealing with Han Solo and Boba Fett (or even Yoda) could be a good thing. As long as the content is left in the hands of awesome creative professionals where quality control is taken into account, I can see potential.
In my opinion, I know who needs to audition for the part of a younger Han Solo. I've been subscribed to Anthony Ingruber's Youtube channel for years now. Here's an older video of him doing a Han Solo impersonation:
I'm hoping this guy tries out for the role. He looks the part and I feel he gets the line delivery down spot on. Of course, there's a big difference between impersonating existing film footage and delivering original lines of dialogue. But he's already slated to portray a young Harrison Ford in the 2015 movie The Age of Adaline. That might just get his foot in the door.
I'm sure I could babble on for ages about Star Wars. Even the new Episode VII crossguard lightsaber, which has sparked all kinds of memes across the internet. I think they're pretty damn funny. I could definitely see how the saber could benefit from a more practical design. However, there's so much yet to be seen. I'd like to think the design was purposeful. There's no telling until we see Episode VII.
To wrap it all up, Disney's ongoing plot points have been supposedly planned from the get-go. And as long as that holds true, 2015 and beyond stands to be an incredible time for the resurgence of the franchise. In that spirit, I'm choosing to forget all about midi-chlorians and instead, I'm relying on a little faith in the Force.
P.S. - They better not mention fucking midi-chlorians ever again. Please just forget about them, guys. The Force is a mysterious thing that doesn't need explaining. Thanks.
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